Week 12 Lab
Learning about Microfiction
1) Tiny Tales
I read the Tiny Tales about Aesop's Fables. I really enjoyed reading these because they were so short and to the point! I found that although there was not a surplus of details, there were still plenty of aspects about the stories that kept my interest while reading them. I think I would definitely find these interesting to try and write.
2) Tiny Love Stories
Wow. The amount of emotion and importance that came from these stories is astonishing. I was astounded by how much I loved reading these and how much my heart reached out to the couples in the stories. I think I would enjoy reading many more of these. Perhaps I could try to write one of my own now that I am married myself.
3) Hint Stories
I could never imagine a story with less than 25 words! I love that the point of these stories is that it forces the reader to imagine what went on in the gaps that are presented. Thus, there will probably never be the same story "written," as everyone who fills in these gaps probably imagine a different scenario. Some of the stories I had to really try and imagine what the story meant, especially if I wasn't familiar with the topic the story was perhaps hinting at.
4) Six- Word Stories
Some of the examples that were given of these six-word stories were very powerful. I personally loved the "At least I never voted Republican." This made me think that perhaps this person is not happy with the government, but it would be worse if more Republicans had been in power. Or perhaps this person doesn't feel like they have contributed much to society except for not voting Republican. These stories are very powerful while still allowing the reader to have imagination of the purpose of the story.
5) Two-Sentence Horror
These stories were so...weird but interesting. It was crazy how many of the stories actually were creepy and had some sort of twist while utilizing only two sentences.
What I discovered overall was that writing is powerful no matter how short the story. I believe I am going to try and write some microfiction of my own in the future.
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