Week 8 Reading and Writing


Lakshmi and her Owl

My favorite reading so far has definitely been The Ramayana. I really enjoyed the entire story as well as all of the characters. The love between Rama and Sita was captivating, especially since he spends the latter of the story searching for her all over the world.

Overall, I am pretty happy with my Blog as well as my Storybook. I am really excited to write the rest of my Storybook, as I have planned out my next two stories. Writing these have definitely helped me with utilizing dialogue as well as incorporating imagery. I wrote my Lakshmi and her Owl story on my Storybook, and I really enjoyed how it turned out. I think I was able to create a better story since my reading notes were excellent for remembering certain aspects of the book.

I think as I progress in the class, I want to get even better at using dialogue. I believe it really adds to the story and will help the reader truly imagine the story I am telling.


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