Reading Notes: The Ramayana Comic Book Reading Diary A


Comic One: Vali

Vali is the mighty king of Kishkindha. While he was king, there was an evil rakshasa named Dundubhi that roamed across the earth.

Dundubhi was very malicious and would go and terrify parts of the world, such as the Ocean. One day, he decided to go terrify Himavan, also known as the Himalayas. When Dundubhi approached Himavan, Himavan told him that Vali would be a mighty opponent for Dundubhi. Thus, Dundubhi turned into a water buffalo and traveled to Kishkinha to see this king for himself.

Vali defeated Dundubhi easily and tossed his dead carcass on Rishyamuka mountain and for this he was cursed. If he ever stepped foot on that mountain, he would immediately die.

When Dundubhi's son, Mayavi, heard of his father's death, he went to challenge Vali. Mayavi runs into a cave and Vali follows him while Sugriva, Vali's brother, remained outside. Days pass and then Sugriva heard a loud roar and blood flowing out of the cave. Sugriva feared that Vali had died, so he pushed a massive boulder in front of the cave. However, Vali had actually been the victor and found himself trapped.

During Vali's absence, Sugriva was crowned king. When Vali pushed away the boulder, he returned home thinking that Sugriva had trapped him on purpose to become king. Sugriva fled the kingdom and Vali took his wife as his own. Sugriva and his servant Hanuman went to Rishyamuka mountain where Vali could not follow them.

Years later, Sugriva sees Rama and Lakshmana in the woods. Fearing that they are agents for Vali, he sends Hanuman to go speak to them. Rama explains they are looking for Sita and seeks Sugriva's help. Rama and Sugriva vow to help each other, thus, they formulate a plan to kill Vali.

Sugriva retreats from the mountain and calls out to Vali to come fight him. They fought for many hours, but Rama could not tell the brothers apart when they were fighting. Therefore, Sugriva placed a garland around his neck so Rama could recognize him. When Sugriva returned to the fight, Rama was able to tell which brother was which, thus, he shot Vali.

As Vali was dying, he exclaimed that what Rama had done was not right; however, Rama explained himself and Vali understood what had happened. Vali entrusts his kingdom, wife, and son to Sugriva as well as his golden chain. Once Vali died, Sugriva returned to Kishkindha and kept his promise to help Rama find Sita.


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