Reading Notes: The Crocodile in the River (Week 2 Reading Anthology)
A crocodile: Pixnio
At this point in time this is an encounter between the Buddha-as-monkey and the crocodile. Devadatta is planning on trying to murder him; however, the Master claims this is not the first time and tells a story of the past about a previous failed murder attempt. Here is the story:
Bodhisatta came to life as a monkey and was big and strong. He could jump large distances and would do so onto a large rock that allowed him passage to an island that was fruitful. He would go eat many fruits to his filling and then return home. A pair of crocodiles saw Bodhisatta and the female mate longed for his heart to eat. Wanting to fulfill his mate's wish, the male crocodile set out to the rock that he knew Bodhisatta would use to return home.
When Bodhisatta wished to return home, he noticed that the rock appeared to be taller than normal, thus he suspected that there was a hungry crocodile waiting for him. He then called out to the rock three times. When the rock did not answer, he asked why the rock was being silent. The crocodile thinking that the rock answered Bodhisatta, the crocodile answered Bodhisatta. Of course, now Bodhisatta knew the crocodile was there and that he needed to outwit the crocodile to escape. Bodhisatta told the crocodile that he knew he could not escape so the crocodile should just open his mouth and let him jump into it. However, Bodhisatta tricked the crocodile because when crocodiles open their mouths their eyes shut! Bodhisatta knowing this jumped onto the crocodile's head and then jumped off to return to the river bank, escaping death.
The crocodile realizing he has been tricked tells Bodhisatta that he has all four virtues to overcome his enemies. These four virtues are truth, foresight, fixed resolve, and fearlessness.
Having finished his story, the Master claims that he was Bodhisatta and that Devadatta was the crocodile.
Story source: Vanarinda Jataka, in The Jataka: Volume 1 translated by Robert Chalmers.
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