Feedback Thoughts on a Critical Mindset


        Self Critical: Pixabay

I have always been a perfectionist which means I am very critical on myself whenever something is not exactly how I imagined. I was excited to read these articles because I figured that maybe I could find something helpful.

The post I read really emphasized how setbacks and failures do not mean everything and you are always worthy of love and happiness. Reality-based self-congratulation (REBS) is what the author calls a rebellion against your inner critic. REBS allows us to become more forgiving and encouraging friend to yourself. When you use REBS, the chaos of your challenging life may seem less chaotic by utilization of self-congratulation. Even just using five seconds to calm down and take a breather can help by a landslide.

Critical voices in our heads are a poison that leads to depression and inhibits one from pursuing goals.  While taking negative criticism is important, we must also recognize strengths. When amplifying our strengths, we are much more productive. It is also important to hear positives and actually believe them. By making this a daily habit, we can change the critical voices into positive ones.


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